
Because I’m Glutton for Punishment…

One of the benefits (or drawbacks) of working in a library is I can peruse the shelves at my leisure.  As I work in a school library, I usually stock up on books to take with me over the summer.  And here you see that I can GUARANTEE you my house will be unsuitable for guests this summer being this is what I plan on taking home…

Summer Books


And this is what is on my nook from the public library…


And the ebooks I have on hold from the public library….


As well as the ones I have pre-ordered and am HOTLY anticipating…

Yippy!Can't Wait
The hardback copies I currently have checked out of the public library…

Checkout hardcopies

And the ones I am DYING to get my hands on in the fall…


Yep.  Serious issues…What do y’all have lined up for the summer?



Autumn Musings…

Why am I excited about Fall?  Pumpkins?  Halloween?  Autumn leaves falling from the trees?  (Ha!  I live in Louisiana!  We don’t have seasons!)  How about the plethora of AWESOME books just around the corner??

         Image Just one year

                                    The Fiery Heart   Alligiant

So FREAKING excited!!!

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stievfater


I LOVED Maggie Stievfater’s Shiver trilogy. Well, I LOVED Shiver thought Linger was OK and I was sort of eh (shrugging shoulders)over Forever. I have not read Scorpio Races yet (although I may place that on my to read list!) so I purchased The Raven Boys a few months back. Barnes and Noble had it as one of their $2.99 books, it looked interesting so I figured I would read it eventually. Eventually turned out to be Saturday. I needed something to tide me over until Richelle Mead‘s new series debuted today. I am not sure I can read that just yet as I still would like to linger in the world of the Aglionby gang a bit longer. This story has EVERYTHING without it being too much. Mystery and folklore (a quest for a missing Welsh knight in the modern Virginia countryside) unrequited love (one of the main characters has been cursed with the belief that if she kisses her true love, he will die), drama mixed in with a little paranormal activity. It’s even a bit creepy. For those of you old enough to remember the movie Watcher in the Woods, I definitely got that same creepy vibe but without the totally scaredy cat mojo. Another plus, Stievfater’s writing is beautiful- flowing together seamlessly. I am TOTALLY Psyched for the next book in the series, The Dream Thieves, which comes out in September. My to-read list just became a little longer!